September 7, 2009

The Things That Come Out This Kids Mouth!

This weekend we didn't do much. The weather report called for rain everyday. So, all our plans were made around that. We stayed home mostly. Saturday we rested for a change. The last few weekends had been hectic for us. Saturday night we decided to bar-b-q with a little of our family over. We only left the house to get things for the bar-b-q.

Sunday I went to church. It was a great service. I did not have Will with me and so I could concentrate a little better. Will wanted to stay home and ride his John Deere Tractor. Since I thought It would rain that day, I let him. As you can guess it rained everywhere but our house. You could literally see the rain from our house pouring on our neighbors down the road.

Sunday night we had planed tacos. This is my hubby's father's favorite. He canceled on us but we made them anyway. This dinner turned out to be so funny. We sat at the table and was eating when I started telling hubby that I found my favorite flavor in Dr Pepper. I said it was the 24th flavor. Knowing they only advertise that it has 23 flavors, he looked a little sideways at me. So I explained I liked the way a cold can of it tasted better than in a cup or bottle. My favorite flavor then is the taste of cold aluminum. This was not the funny part. The funny part was that Will was listening and trying to make this work in his mined.

He said "Well, I like the way a Dr Pepper taste in a Coke can."

I said "Well I wonder what the people at Dr Pepper would say to that.'

He then changed his voice to be a bit deeper and said "They would say, Then you never had a Dr Pepper."

I don't know if this is as funny now as it was then, but he has never had Dr Pepper or Coke. He only drinks juice and kool aid. And the way he changed his voice made me laugh even harder. To think that is exactly what the Dr Pepper people would say to him. I laughed so hard that I think the taco I was in the middle of eating came out my nose. This made us all laugh a little more. Don't worry though I am ok! I know you were concerned! Lol!!

I hope everyone had something that made them laugh this weekend! And a big Happy Labor Day to you all! Hubby had to work today :( We are just planing today like any Monday.


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