June 30, 2010
June 28, 2010

She is a little spoiled! Just a little:)
June 26, 2010
I had 209 entries in my $30.00 Kroger Gift Card Giveaway!!!!
I used Random.org to pick a winner! The winning number turned out to be.......number 31!
I'd like to win because I would like to purchase organic produce and grass fed beef.
Saturday's Giveaways!
My giveaway is a $40.00 CSN Store Gift Card-Ends 6/30
Go Green Street is giving away a Guidecraft Pirate Table and Chairs-Ends 7/13
Go Green Street is also giving away a $70.00 CSN Gift Card-Ends 7/8
Knitting and Sundries is giving away a Betty Crocker Mississippi Mud Supreme Bars prize pack-Ends 7/7
Momma In Flip Flops 2 is giving away a Peaches & Seams dress in size large-Ends 7/9
Momma In Flip Flops 2 is also giving away a coupon for a free Duncan Hines Product-Ends 7/7
Leslie Loves Veggies is also giving away a Cuisinart 14 Piece Cutlery Set with Bonus Santoku Knife form CSN Stores-Ends 7/13
Shelley's Swag is giving away a Gooseberry Patch Farmers' Market Favorites Cookbook-Ends 7/10
Shelley's Swag is also giving away a Flirty Diva Tee-Ends 6/29
Ten Talents.... is giving away a $40.00 CSN Store Gift Card-Ends 7/7
Good Luck Everyone!!!!
June 25, 2010
Friday Funnies!

June 24, 2010
Thankful Thursday!

Today's Thankful Thursday is hosted by Iris at Grace Alone. Go on and visit and tell her what you are thankful for this week!
I am thankful this week for friends! I know I did a Thankful Thursday post on friends before, but I always seem to be amazed at what a friend will do for me. As some of you have seen by my post yesterday, I had a horrible shopping trip recently. After my post was up for a while I got a call from my friend saying she would be with me on my next shopping trip. She didn't know I had such a bad experience and didn't want it to happen again.
June 23, 2010
My Shopping Trip Horror Story!!!
I normally plan my shopping trips for when Hubby gets paid. Lately our budget has been extremely tight, but I still enjoy browsing.
This past shopping trip was one I had planed for Lake Charles (the biggest town around me that has the most stores, including a Kroger). I don't just run off to Lake Charles anytime. It takes about a half a tank of gas to get there and back, so I waited until Hubby had some business there also. It just so happened that we where there at night. A time I never really shop.
So, to make a very long story short, I took Will and went shopping in the not as nice part of town because it was closer to a friends house. I made a bit of a mistake doing this. I was totally freaked out at Walmart alone with a small child and then parked near a door that unknown to me was closing in an hour. I would have to use the other door and walk the length of the building to get back to my car! I was rushing!!! I had to get what I need and pay before that door closed. I just had too! On top of that I left my coupons at home!!! So, I didn't get half of what I needed. I did have some luck though. The lady at the jewelry counter had not left yet and I needed to get Hubby his watch for Father's day. Of course they only had one in the style he wanted and for a lot more than I wanted to spend. I got it though because I knew he would like it and it would last a long time.
Next I loaded up my bags in my truck while scanning the parking lot for the boogy man! I got back on the road and headed in the wrong direction to Kroger. I ended up at a different Kroger than the one I wanted to go to. I stoped at it anyway. Mistake number five thousand and ten that day! This Kroger had ran out of everything on sale and had poor service. I left there and made my way to my friend's house in a long and round about way, since I went the wrong way again! I hate driving in the dark and being creeped out at the same time! I finally made it to her house to find Hubby had just arrived back too. I was so ready to go home and just forget that shopping trip! I have never had such a horrible time grocery shopping. Then I didn't get everything I needed! Stressful!!! I never plan to do that again!!!
June 21, 2010
Birthday Parites and ER Visits!
We have been busy nonstop with summer activities and promoting Hubby. This weekend was going to be our slow one. We had a birthday party not far from the house to attend on Saturday and then Church on Sunday. That was a slow weekend we had planed.
Well, Saturday I rushed to get a last minute birthday gift for the birthday girl, when I realized I didn't buy one yet. (I had planed to, but I didn't shop when I wanted to, or how I wanted to, and ended up getting lost and a little frightened. I didn't get all I needed and forgot my coupons on top of all that. But, that's another story that I may just tell tomorrow.) Of course Will wanted to get her a spider man toy or a toy he wanted for himself. We finally decided on a Mrs. Potato Head in a mermaid costume. She was turning 2, so loved it of course!
We left the party in a bit of a rush because I had to fix dinner for Hubby before he went to work (he is on nights right now). With dinner done and Hubby off to work, Will and I watered the garden as always. After coming in the cool house and washing some dishes I went to the bathroom to find I had a spider on my hip! I couldn't brush it off, so I had to literally rip it off! I then tried to kill it and it just wouldn't die. I smashed it, hit it with every hard heavy object I could find in the bathroom, and tried to smoosh it with toilet paper. To no avail. It just wouldn't die! So, I stuck it in a zip top bag (the walmart brand of course) and called my dear Hubby. I told him how I fought with the little spider and how I couldn't kill it and didn't know what kind it was. I never saw a spider like that.
Hubby told me to go to the emergency room. It could be a poisonous spider that bit me. So, off to the ER I go. Panicking by this time! I had to remind myself to breath a few times on the drive there. Did my leg just go numb? No, I am over reacting! Breath Joshlin, Breath!!!
I get to the ER and no one knows what kind of spider this is in my bag! After the 4th nurse walks up we finally discover the mystery spider is not a spider at all. (It had 8 legs. That's why I thought it was a spider!) Its a tick! Of all things. That is why I had to rip it from my body and why I couldn't smash it. I was told to keep an eye on the spot it bit me and if I noticed any rings appearing around it or if I felt sick to immediately go to the doctor. I could get Lyme Disease. My chances are low because the tick had only bit me and I found it. It was not buried in me or engorged with blood.
Hubby was so worried about me he came home from work. He wanted to make sure I didn't have any reaction to the bite. I was fine, but it was so good to know that he loved me so much and was worried about me. I am a very lucky woman!
Sunday started bad. I overslept and had only 30 minutes to get Will up and ready for church. We did make it though. After church we just rested all day. I read a book and Will played inside. It was much to hot outside and I didn't really want to be out and about after the tick incident:) I hope the week goes better, but I already know we have a lot planed. Please help me pray for Hubby's musical carrier. We are doing everything we can to promote him. We have so much riding on this. Every prayer is greatly appreciated!!! Thank You!
June 19, 2010
Saturday's Giveaways!
Here are some of the great giveaways that I entered this week. Don't forget to enter my giveaways first!!
Emmys Boo's and Rawr's is giving away a Guidecraft Pirates Table Set-Ends 6/20
Oh My Giveaway! is giving away a $60.00 Gift Certificate to the CSN Stores-Ends 6/30
Moms Wear Your Tees Blog is giving away a Little Tikes Spray and Rescue Fire Truck-Ends 6/30 (I really really really hope I win this for Will!!!!!)
Kiddies Corner Deals is giving away a Savvycents Wallet-Ends 6/28
Kiddies Corner Deals is also giving away a $50.00 Gift Certificate to Novica-Ends 6/26 (That's Today so Hurry!!!)
Gal Time is giving away a Berry Ball Bra Saver-Ends 6/30 (I need one so bad!)
Good Luck Everyone! Don't forget to let me know if you are winning! I want to celebrate with you!!!
June 18, 2010
Friday Funnies!
They made such a hit on YouTub that the Today's Show even had them on!
Just in case the clip didn't load for you, you can see it Here. I know I suck at this kind of stuff, but oh well. I'll get it right one day!
So if you really want to see some funny stuff visit Kim at the Homesteader's Heart!
June 17, 2010
Thankful Thursday!

This week has been another week filled with reminders of how much God takes care of us and loves us!
Each day I seem to find something else that fills me with wonder! For a time the stars did it for me. Since we got a dog I have been spending more time walking her as I tried to potty train her. I have spent more time under the stars amazed at their beauty and of how far away they seem. I can imagine heaven just beyond that point and my Heavenly Father looking down at me from there. How wonderful that feels!
This week I have been working and praying over my garden. I feel so much closer to Him when I play in the dirt. Just knowing that my start came from the same dirt makes me feel so happy. I feel so close to my maker this way! In the end we are only still alive because of the dirt. It made us, It grows our food, and it is always against our feet to remind us of our Lord!
From way up high to way down low, we have great reminders of the love God has for us, and not even that can help me know exactly how great his love really is. For him to give his only son Jesus to hang on a cross.....WOW! Do I love Him enough? No! I am working on that every day, but I know my love will never be much compared to His love for me! Amazing!
Thank you Iris for hosting Thankful Thursdays this month! Go on over to Grace Alone and see what everyone else is thankful for this week!
June 16, 2010
$40.00 CSN Store Giveaway!
If I won I would get this great John Deere Pedal Tractor.

Didn't I mention that this is a giveaway? I think I did! So here is how you can win this great $40.00 CSN Store Gift Card:
First you must complete the mandatory entry or all other entries you do will not count. Please also leave an email address for me to be able to contact you if you win! Make sure you leave a separate comment for each entry. For example: if it says you get 3 entries for following, then leave 3 separate comments! Easy Right! Good Luck!
Go to the CSN Store and tell me what you would just LOVE to have if price where no option!
1. Tell me what your Father or Hubby is getting for Father's Day from you and/or your children.
2. Follow my blog! (3 entries!)
3. Follow me on twitter and tweet (can be done daily)
Win a $40.00 CSN Store Gift Card at http://asavingmomssanity.blogspot.com/
4. Enter my $30.00 Kroger Gift Card Giveaway!
5. Blog about this giveaway and leave me the link so I can check it out! (5 entries!)
This giveaway will end at 11:59 on June 30th. The winner will be chosen by random.org and have 48 hours to get in contact with me or a new winner will be chosen! The giveaway is sponsored by the CSN Store and I was not given anything in return for hosting this giveaway.
June 15, 2010
Crochet Baby Style!
June 14, 2010
Doggy Nail Polish Is So Great!

June 12, 2010
Saturday's Giveaways!
Once again it's time for my list of giveaway that I entered this week. Don't forget to enter my giveaway too!
You could win a $30.00 Kroger Gift Card-Ends 6/25
Busy Working Mama is giving away a Black Pearl Necklace-Ends 6/20
Cristin Is Coupon Crazy is giving away a $30.00 CSN store gift card-Ends 6/16
Cristin Is Coupon Crazy is also giving away a Make Ahead Meals For Busy Moms Cookbook-Ends 7/7
I'm Just Your Average Mom is giving away a Giant Cupcake Pan from Wilton-Ends 6/19
Go YAY! is giving away your choice of book from Silver Dolphin-Ends 6/17
Aprons and Aspirin is giving away a basket filled with Duncan Hines Products-Ends 6/18
Hobo Mama Reviews is giving away a Smart Mom Jewelry Teething Bling Necklace-Ends 6/22
Waterwaif is giving away a Handmade Dog Collar-Ends 6/19
If you win tell me so that we can celebrate together!!! This week I won a General Mills Sweet N Salty Prize Pack! Yea!!!! Just remember, you can't win if you don't enter!!!! Good Luck Everyone!
June 11, 2010
Friday Funnies!

June 10, 2010
Thankful Thursday

June 8, 2010
This month my calender was so pretty and clean. Only three birthdays listed on it. Then all of a sudden the invitations and phone calls started poring in. How did this happen?
I don't hate parties. I hate having to continuously figure out what to buy other people's kids that I hardly know. I hate spending extra money I don't have on gifts and gas. So, why go do you ask? Well, I do have a child who likes parties and his birthday does come around once a year. I expect everyone to come to his party. Especially those who have kids that I attended their party. Not for the gifts or anything, but for Will's birthday experience! I want him to have a boat load of kids at his parties too!
So to all those who ALWAYS come up with an excuse of why your kids just can't make a birthday part......Don't get mad when all the other kids don't show up to your kids birthday party!!!
How rude to expect other to just come to your birthday parties when you so obviously avoid my child's parties!
Am I alone? Is this just the way I feel? I don't know about everyone else, but If I have 4 kids and you don't show up to any of the 4 birthday parties I give (I know 4 is a lot to attend, so at least make one!), then don't expect me and mine at yours. ( I know I only have one child, but I am trying to make a point here.)
Ok enough ranting. I am just so overwhelmed with birthday parties and a few showers thrown in right now on top of everything else going on. I feel the candle burning at both ends sometimes!
At least I get to work on a new baby blanket for the baby shower and Will can have a lot of fun at the birthday parties! There is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
June 7, 2010
$30.00 Kroger Gift Card Giveaway!!! (CLOSED)

This giveaway will end on 6/25 at 11:59 pm. The winner will have 48 hours to get back to me or a new winner will be chosen. Good Luck everyone!
June 6, 2010
Lesson Learned?
You think I would have learned my lesson by now! I have froze sour cream a number of times, as well as a few other things.
But today I froze almost half a dozen eggs and a squash. Did I push them to the back of the top shelf though? That is the question. I am assuming I did it. Will I learn my lesson now? only time will tell.
I hope everyone is having a great Sunday!!!
June 5, 2010
Saturday's Giveaways!
Minnesota Mama's Must Haves is giving away a $100.00 Gift Certificate to ATG Stores-Ends 6/23 (Hubby would LOVE this for Father's Day!!)
To. Be. Thode is giving away a $15.00 gift card to Piggy Paints-Ends 6/16
To. Be Thode is also giving away a VTech MobiGo-Ends 6/15
Thrifty Wifey is giving away a Delta Faucet-Ends 6/11
Make-Ahead Meals for Busy Moms is giving away a Wilton Brownie Package-Ends 6/11
The Ahotaeiloa Family is giving away a $85.00 gift card to Haparie Swim Wear-Ends 6/11
That's all for now. I just didn't have the time this week to find more. I may just have my own giveaways coming up this week though, so keep coming back and checking!!!
June 4, 2010
Friday Funnies!

June 3, 2010
Thankful Thursday

June 2, 2010
The Mrs.'s Garden!

Look out when it's time to plant my carrots, pumpkins, and other fall veggies!
June 1, 2010
You Can Really See It!!!