July 31, 2010
Saturday's Giveaways!
Piece of Me is giving away a $60.00 CSN Store Gift Card-Ends 8/5
(Sorry about this one! It closed early or something! The gift card has already been given away.) Cherry on a Cake is giving away a $50.00 CSN Store Gift Card-Ends 7/31 (Today!!)
Mass Hole Mommy is giving away a I Hate To Cook Book to Two winners-Ends 8/7
Mass Hole Mommy is also giving away a Crayola Color Wonder Prize Pack-Ends 8/7
Shelley's Swag is giving away a I Hate To Cook Book to Two winners-Ends 8/10
Hallee The Homemaker is giving away a Kitchenaid Professional 600 Series Stand Mixer-Ends 8/6
Kiddies Corner Deals is giving away a Kidorable Umbrella-Ends 8/13 (I have been trying to win Will one of these for ever!!)
One Zillion Books is giving away a Color Wonder Prize Package-Ends 8/8
Good Luck Everyone!
July 29, 2010
Thankful Thursday!

July 28, 2010
Great Instant Win Games!
July 27, 2010
As Random As It Gets
1. How hard is it to get FOX where you live? Apparently we have to pay outrageous and still don't get the local FOX chanel. I spent HOURS yesterday on the phone with two different satellite companies and an online company affiliated some how with one of them. After all that I thought I had it, but then Hubby tells me he doesn't want it because it is a FOX out of Chicago and so when the Saints games come on they will not be played because the Chicago are wants to watch their team not the Saints. He only wants FOX for the Saint's games, so that wasn't going to work. Finlay I decided to stay with the satellite company I am with so I don't have to make a 24 month commitment to the other one. The plus side to all this was that I got my bill lowered by $18.00. Go got rid of the Starz channels and then found out they had been charging me for something they discontinued. (They just never told their customers that the charge for that particular thing was discontinued. You actually had to call them to have the charge stoped on your bill! My question is "How long have I needlessly been paying for this?")
2. My phone was also burning up with my insurance company. Hubby has to have the windshield of his truck changed in order to have it inspected. He just didn't tell me it needed to be inspected by the end of this month. I will be on the phone with them again today.
3. It was nasty rainy out side, so Will and Charlott where stuck in the house. Will got to play watch too many cartoons and play with play-doh, the dog just watched me with a boring look on her face as I cleaned the kitchen and bathroom, then moped the floors. She found the vacuum cleaner and the wet floors a little fun though.
4. Today I get to wash clothes and do more cleaning. The kids get to stay inside again most of the day today. I also have to think of something to cook for dinner! I am limited since I have made up my mind not to go to the store and spend any more money at the moment. The car needs gas in it too!
5. Will refused to clean his toys up last night until the very last minute and so, missed his bath (he didn't get dirty yesterday anyway). Today he is driving me crazy about why he can't have a tattoo. When I explained to him that it won't stick because he is dirty, he asks me why I would dare say he is dirty. I kindly remind him he didn't take a bath because he didn't clean up his toys in time. Oh! he said and walks away. I'm sure that conversation will repeat itself many times today since it isn't even 9:00 am yet!
I hope everyone else has a great day today!
July 26, 2010
Working Hard!
It started on Friday. I decided to take Will to the local park where they just installed some new playground equipment. He hasn't been in a while because it has been so hot here. That made this trip so much more fun! He played and played! By the time I told him it was time to go he just said "Ok." and headed to the truck. When we got in the truck he said "Mommy, I am burnt out.". So cute!!! And he was! He took a nap when we got home. This child very rarely takes a nap now. That afternoon we took a trip to visit some friends. He played there until he was wore out again.
Saturday we had a birthday party to go to. This was for a one year old. Thank goodness it was a fairly quick one and we where able to leave without much fuss. Hubby had to go get working on his truck!
We got home and Hubby got to the task of fixing his truck. (That thing is getting to be a big money pit!) He had to change the starter and it turned out to be a hard, long, expensive job! The only up side was watching Will "work on" his bike with Daddy's tools!
Today I have a house to clean, phone calls to make, and a few errands to run. I don't think today will be any more restful. I am hoping for a restful Tuesday or Wednesday!
July 24, 2010
Saturday's Giveaways!
Leslie Loves Veggies is giving away TWO Personalized MyFairyTaleBooks-Ends 8/4
Yellow Tennessee is giving away a Patriotic Pillow Pet-Ends 8/4
The Mom Reviews is giving away a Kung Zhu Battle Prize Pack-Ends 7/27
Minnesota Mama's Must Haves is giving away a Little Tikes Anchors Away Pirate ship Water Table-Ends 8/5 (Why can't I ever win a giveaway like this? At least I try!)
Piece of Me is giving away a Little Tikes Spray & Rescue Fire Truck-Ends 8/4 (Another great giveaway I would love to win for Will!!!)
Kiddies Corner Deals is giving away a $60.00 CSN Gift Card-Ends 8/6
Kiddies Corner Deals is also giving away a $50.00 Visa Gift Card to one of her followers-Ends 8/9
July 23, 2010
So Much To Choose From.....
So what exactly do I get to review? Well they have over 200 stores and I have to look through every one of them, and then make a decision on what I want to review. I would love to review one of the beautiful dining room tables they have. My dinning room table is as old as I am. No really, it is! It was the table I grew up with in my parents house. It is now sitting in my dining room waiting the the day my Father-in-law sits a little too hard on one of the poor rickety chairs. Or it could be waiting for my son to play monkey boy, and climb on top of it and jump around. Either way, it's days are numbered!
Then again, I would love to have one of those hard-anodized 2.5 quart pots they have. Let me tell you, that would get used every day! Every Day People!!!
But in all reality Will always comes first. I may just find myself reviewing nothing. Will may be the one reviewing! He will surly want some great toy from the amazing list of toys they have.
They even have pet items that Charlotte could be getting to review!
Can you guess what I will review? If you have some great suggestions, please let me know! I would be so happy to see what you would love to review from the CSN Store!
July 22, 2010
Thankful Thursday!

Sometimes life gets so busy that you forget to take a moment to reflect on your blessings. I feel that way more and more lately.
I have had to take a moment to myself and remember to thank God for all that I have. Most of the time I surprise myself by how much of the day has flown by before I take that moment. I have always said a prayer as I went to bed. I recently started adding a prayer when I wake up as part of that ritual. The part I have trouble with lately is to stop and pray throughout the day. Before I had prayed 10 or 15 times a day for all kinds of little things. Like for the people in the cars I pass on my way to the grocery store, or for the new girl at the register of fast food joint by hour house. She looks like she was having a bad day and there is a good chance I will never see her again since I don't often have the chance to eat out very often.
Sometimes my prayers go out for people I know and sometimes for people I don't, but the majority of my prayers are thankful prayers. I try to thank His as often as I can for His continual love and care he gives me. He has blessed me beyond belief. I have a home, a healthy family, food, and all the love I could ever need. Every day I find something to thank him for. Even if it's just to thank him for the rain or the way the bread I just made came out.
Today though, I am thankful that I can talk to Him and pray any time I want to. I am not limited to only at bed time or only at church. I can call on Him and praise Him literally any time I want. I have found my self in some odd places praying before. You will never believe how relaxing and in touch I feel with my Heavenly Father in the bath tub. I figured He made me this way, so why not have a conversation with Him in my bath. A big bonus is that in the bath tub or shower may be the only quite time I get to reflect on my day and send up my praise to the Father I love so much!
What are you thankful for? Join us over at Spiritually Unequal Marriage and share your thankfulness today!
July 21, 2010
Why A Rainy Day = Joy To My Dog!

The Crawfish!
The Showdown!
The Crawfish has her by the lips!

But in the end the Dog WINNS!
July 19, 2010
Bling Please!
I am a jewelry loving kind of girl, so when I found ChunkyBling.com I fell in love! Every item they sell speaks of the sparkle and elegance I was looking for. They have everything from
interchangeable watches to Swarovski Pearl rings!

As I looked I was blown away with all the beaded jewelry . I love the fact that it's all handmade!!! Someone actually sat down and made each piece. One of my favorite items are the interchangeable necklaces. They have so many charm clusters, that you can find one to match each and every outfit you own.

You can pick a set that is already made or you can mix and match to build your very own jewelry. And best of all, every item is priced at a wallet friendly price! So, what are you waiting for? Go check them out and find your own inner Bling!
July 17, 2010
Saturday's Giveaways!
Second Time Around is giving away a 7"x10" Earring Holder from Earring Holder Gallery-Ends 7/27
Minnesota Mama's Must Haves is giving away a Toy Quest Banzai Safari Falls Pool-Ends 7/27
Minnesota Mama's Must Haves is also giving away a pair of Quick Dry Zero Gravity Chairs-Ends 7/29
Recaptured Charm is giving away a sterling silver chain and a cz cross-Ends 7/19
Maria's Space is giving away The I Hate To Cook Book-Ends 7/24
Moms Wear Your Tees Blog is giving away a Guidecraft Play Work Bench for Kids-Ends 8/13
Take A Mom's Word For It is giving away a personalized sterling silver pendant w/a swarovski bead-Ends 7/30
Women-Prenuers Galore is giving away a Brugo Mug-Ends 7/25
Good Luck Everyone!!!!
July 16, 2010
July 15, 2010
Thankful Thursday

Another week is almost over and I really don't know how I made it to Thursday. I don't remember much of the week, since it passed by so fast.
Something else that is going to fast is Will's growth. He is getting so big. He is so tall and so smart. He is almost too smart for his age. Some of the things he says is beyond me. I find that a lot of the time I am just too floored to react to what he says.
Of course it's not all good. He is also going through that rebellious stage of seeing how long I will let him go before punishment comes. He has to be told many many times to pick up his toys before he does it. Sometimes he even waits until I am going to go over to him before he gets his little but in gear and starts picking them up. He always has an excuse of why he should not have to pick them up right away. I'm starting to think I have a pre-teen in a pre-schoolers body.
I am thankful though. Thankful that he is smart and growing. Thankful that God has blessed me with an almost perfect child. One who is healthy and loving. A child that is truly made just for us. He may be a hand full at times, but I could never even begin to imaging our lives without him.
To share what you are thankful for this week hop on over to see Lynn at Spiritually Unequal Marriage today!
July 13, 2010
So Big!

July 12, 2010
Look What I Got Today!!!
July 10, 2010
Saturday's Giveaways!
Opinions of a Moody Mama is giving away a Miraclesuit of winners choice-Ends 7/13
Opinions of a Moody Mama is also giving away a Brugo Mug-Ends 7/14
A Bittersweet Existence Reviews is giving away an In Balance Mattress Pad from Select Comfort-Ends 7/13
A Bittersweet Existence Reviews is giving away a Cuisipro Delux Batter Bowl-Ends 7/18
Mom vs. the Boys is giving away a PlasmaCar-Ends 7/22
Coupon Clippin' Mommy is giving away a BRUGO Mug-Ends 7/27
Good Luck Everyone!!!!
July 9, 2010
Friday Funnies!
For more Friday Funnies to get you ready for the weekend or to just lift you up from the week, visit Kim at Homesteader's Heart!
July 8, 2010
Thankful Thursday!

Thanks for visiting me again on this wonderful Thursday! I have so much to be thankful for this week!!! I fill my cup overflowing!!!!
I have a great relationship with God that I am working on to get even stronger. I have recently become more aware of all the little small almost unnoticeable things that He has done for me lately. I am sure I am missing a ton more, but at least I am starting to see some right!
My family is all healthy, happy, and filled with love! What more can I ask for!
I have also been blessed with so many friends. I have always been the kind of person to have a few friends that I talk to every now and then but don't often spend all that much time with. My family life was always too busy and my friendships where never really all that close. Well, lately God has given me more reasons to be around those friends that are true and dear to me. He has also helped me be away from the more destructive friends and yet I can still call maintain relations ships with them on a different level. (Does that make since?)
I am also so thankful for Hubby's musical career getting off the ground. We put so much effort and time into it. So many have helped us and his confidence has been going sky high some days to down in the dumps and lower other times. Somehow The Good Lord always knows how to lift him back up. We are confident we made the right decisions and are doing as the He intended all in His time!
I am thankful for all the prayers from all of you! I can't say thank you enough!!! We felt every one!!!
I hope everyone finds in their darkest hour at least one thing to be thankful for! May God bless you all!!!!
Thanks to Lynn over at Spiritually Unequal Marriage for hosting Thankful Thursdays this month!!!
July 7, 2010
Why Is This So Hard? I Would Have Been Thrilled!
July 5, 2010
Garage Sale Finds!!!!

My new bread machine makes great bread! I washed it and then tried it Saturday night!!

July 3, 2010
I follow on Twitter and tweeted:http://twitter.com/nanatide/status/17034151221
Congratulations Marla!!! Colleen's loss is your gain today! I have emailed you and you have 48 hours to get back in touch with me or another winner will be chosen!
Giveaway Saturday!
Kiddies Corner Deals is giving away an Interchangeable Beaded Watch w/winners choice of band and face-Ends 7/12
Chica and Jo is giving away cupcake baking supplies-Ends 7/6
I Never Grew Up is giving away a Leapster Explorer and Toy Story Game-Ends 7/3 (Today at 7pm!!!!!! Will would so love this!)
Kitten With A Whiplash is giving away a CSN $40.00 Gift Card-Ends 7/4
Forgetfulone is giving away a CSN $60.00 Gift Card-Ends 7/5
2Pawas Designs is also giving away a CSN $60.00 Gift Card-Ends 7/6
Good Luck Everyone!!!
July 1, 2010
CSN Store Winner!!!!
Colleen said...
Oops, should have done this first...I like this...it would be awesome if I had the right kind of bathroom: http://www.justvanities.com/Pegasus--PGS2259.html?cv=1
June 17, 2010 1:24 PM
Colleen, you have 48 hours to contact me! You didn't leave your email address, so I have no way of contacting you. In 48 hours if I have not herd from you I will choose a new winner!