Another Thursday is upon us and that means its time to talk about what I am thankful for this week.
For some reason, a lot of my prayers this week have centered on my family's health. I have continuously thanked God for our health. I am thankful for each of us and our health for different reasons.
I am thankful for Hubby's health because he is the back bone of our family. He is our provider and our protector in this world. We would be in a really bad situation if Hubby had health problems. I am so thankful that the job he has now has GREAT health coverage for him. They have a company doctor that comes to the plant once a week and a nurse that is there every day. They make sure that each worker is healthy. They're the ones who found out Hubby had high blood pressure and have now helped him learn to control it with medication and his diet.
I am thankful for Will's health too. He is growing like a weed and is rarely sick other than his seasonal allergies. I was worried when he was a baby. He had RSV and was the first in this area that ran fever with it, but because we caught it so early he didn't suffer very much and is a lot healthier now than they thought he would ever be. I have also been worried about his Medicaid. It looks like Hubby makes $7.50 more than the amount our family is allowed to make in a month. Because of this, they can turn us down and He will have to go without health coverage. It would cost over $200 a month to put us on Hubby's insurance. That is just something we can't afford. Please pray with us that they will not turn Will down for Medicaid over $7.50! Your prayers are greatly appreciated!!!! I am turning myself inside out worrying about this even though I know it is all in God's hands and to worry is a sin showing I don't trust in Him. I am constantly working on this. I want to leave it in His hands, but as you all know, that is hard to do.
I am thankful for my health. I am the one who takes care of everything. I make and go to appointments. Keep everyone on track. Pay all the bills and deal with all the money stuff. I figure out how to stretch each and every dollar I can. I am responsible for everything in the house and all the meals. I take care of Will and am getting him ready for school. I will also be as involved with his schooling as I can be. I take care of the house and all that goes along with it. I am the cheerleader and the nurse in this house. I have a big job and need my health to do it all.
I have been very blessed! My family is healthy and strong. God has given me a lot to be thankful for and our health is only the beginning!
How about you? What are you thankful for this week? Do you need an extra prayer or two sent your way too? Hop on over to Spiritually Unequal Marriage and link up with our host Lynn, for this month of Thankful Thursdays!