December 18, 2009

A New Me!

Yesterday was a big day for me. It's not often I change things. I'm one of those people who go with what works. I don't try the latest fashions or go with the trend. I tend to be more on the classic side.

This may be the reason my hair gets so long. My hubby never fusses over what I wear. He never critiques my makeup or lack of. His opinion on my decorating is not even an issue. He just loves me as I am.

Well, in the last few weeks he has mentioned that it was about time for me to get a hair cut. Since he never really makes a big deal about my style, I figured he was right. Who am I trying to empress anyway. He is mine and I want to keep it that way. So, yesterday was the day! I worked up the courage to get it cut.

I have donated my hair to Locks of Love a few times in the past. This is what I did this time also. I figured it's just going to go in the trash or it could help some child who would really appreciate it. I donated my hair this time too!

It makes me feel good that I can help others. Even if it's just with my hair. Now I'm sporting a new hair cut and feel like a new person. I feel trendier and younger. I know my long hair drags me down and makes me look older. So, now I feel like a 28 year old. It even makes me want to dress better. If only I had better trendier clothes. Oh well, I can always get one new shirt and try that.

Here is a before and after picture. I wanted to get a picture of the actual hair cut, but forgot my camera. Don't look to hard though. I may feel better, but I am far from gorgeous:)



Don't you know I didn't cry this time. I must have really been ready!


  1. That is so great that you donate your hair to Locks of Love. I have a friend that has done that a bunch of times too! What a great Xmas gift. I just found you on MBC and am following you now! Looking forward to visitng again soon.

  2. You looks great.

    I have a little makeover today.

    Have a wonderful weekend.
