My son is soooo punished!!! I can't even believe what he did. I can't even believe it started with his Pee Paw (who is also punished).
Sunday started off not so great. I was in a bad mood. Will was in a bad mood. He didn't want to go to church and made us late. Then as soon as we got to church he pulls out a hand full of candy that apparently Pee Paw gave him early that morning before we left. As I go to take it from him and explain we don't eat candy in church, he starts screaming and throwing the candy so I can't get it. He has never ever dared to be this bad in church before.
So, over to the cry room we go. He thinks it is called the baby room and doesn't want to be in it. He cries for the first 15 minutes because he wants to go back into the big church and not be in the baby room. As I explain to him he is the only one crying in the baby room he starts to hush. Then I tell him their is no more seats in the big church and we had to stay put, he starts again. I so wanted to leave. Go in the parking lot and put him on his knees for the rest of the service, but it just so happened this was the weekend of out church's fall bazaar. The parking lot was just as full as the church and they had all the fun rides outside.
After church I planed on hightailing it out of there. I had to go to the country store that they put on first. I love homemade thing. Of course what I bought was for Will. A John Deere Tractor pillow. (I caved! He got to ride on the train that they made from drums and attached to a four wheeler too.)

At home he locked us all out the house twice. I have never been so glad for the extra house key! Then Aunt Jenny, Jake, and Jaydon came over. Jake helped us put up a fan in Will's room. Hubby and I had already put up ceiling tile earlier in the day. While we do that Will grabs Jaydon and just pushes him down.
Punishment will be bad!!
Last night he starts getting really whiny and cranky. He doesn't want to listen and pick up his toys. He ended up on his knees for a good long time. He also got punished from some of his toys. Today he has asked for them. Then I reminded him he was punished. Those toys are sitting just out of reach on our entertainment center where he can see them and remember.
I truly hope your children where better than he was this weekend!