I have never had my mail box smell so good. Yesterday my mail lady delivered my gift from Diane, over at TART N CANDLE ADDICT. She had a great giveaway earlier in the month and I won! (Yes, my luck is definitely changing!) She sent me some great tarts. They smell so great! I spent all evening smelling them. I would go back to the counter just to pick one up and smell it. My son has now developed the same habbit. He told me he has to smell each color.

You can check out her store at http://www.tartsgalore.com/. She also has some great deals going on. Check out her blog here to find out more. Like a free tart with your purchase and a 10% off discount. Feel free to contact her and let her know you herd about her from Joshlin at Saving Moms Sanity.
By the way, the scents she sent me are Sun Washed Linen, China Rain, White Plum Chutney, Strawberries and Cream, Orange Kiwi, Maple, and Grandma's Kitchen. They all smell so great! I don't yet know which is my favorite. I like them all so much. Will likes the pink the best. That one is White Plum Chutney!
She also sent me a great bar of Rojeka's Skin Care Amethyst Glycerin Soap and a tube of Rojeka's Skin Care Peppermint Lip Balm from http://www.auntmemmy.etsy.com/. This is also a great store to check out. 
Just paying it Forward!
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