September 28, 2009


Have you ever had to keep your kid up in the car on the way home? This is something we occasionally have to deal with. Will has decided he is too big to take a nap, so that means he usually falls asleep in the car on the way home when we go somewhere.

Yesterday we where on our way home from Mee Maw's house and Will was insistent on closing those eyes. It was only 6:45 pm. Much to late to take a nap with bed time coming up. So, we have come up with a way to keep him awake on the ride home.

All the way home we make it a game to see who can fined tractors along the road first. This game is great because the farms are separated by big fields and tractors are plentiful. We probably saw about 25 to 30 tractors in a 20 mile ride! We all just yell out TRACTOR!!! as we see one. We get very competitive as we go. It's a lot of fun and keeps Will up!

How do you keep your kids awake when they are determined to take a nap in the car at the wrong time?


  1. We have a dvd player in our vehicle and whenever the kids get into the car they always want one of their dvds put in, however it doesn't always keep the baby awake, but he does get a good laugh most of the time. I just love hearing the little ones laugh from the back seat! :)

    There is an award waiting for you at my blog :)

  2. That happens with us after visiting the grandparents (they're 20 miles from us, too!) and Parker is having too much fun to nap. We just let him sleep. It's too short of a drive to cause much damage!

  3. I gave you an award. You can find it at my blog. :-)

  4. OMG - I thought i was the only mother that did this! found you at raisingmy4sons and now a new follower!
